Contract Creation
Contract Creation

Create Contracts in Minutes with Contract Templates

Streamline your contract creation process with RazorSign's contract templates. Empower your teams to generate high-volume contracts in just a few clicks. Simplify your workflow and get agreements done faster.

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Banking Industry ICICI Bank Sustainable Fashion Industry Epic Banking Industry KRISTAL Group Telecommunications industry Emtel Food and beverages Industry PEPSICO retailing, manufacturing, logistics GMG Group Construction Industry Larsen & Toubro Retail Industry Decathlon Automotive Industry Mahindra Group Business Software Industry QBS Software Banking Industry ICICI Bank Sustainable Fashion Industry Epic Banking Industry KRISTAL Group Business Software Industry QBS Software Retail Industry Decathlon International Trade and Development Industry Mitsui Group Telecommunications industry Emtel Food and beverages Industry PEPSICO retailing, manufacturing, logistics GMG Group Construction Industry Larsen & Toubro International Trade and Development Industry Mitsui Group Automotive Industry Mahindra Group

Supercharge your contract creation workflow

Streamline contract creation and management with our cutting-edge technology. Generate negotiation-ready contracts in a flash using our centralized libraries. Automate agreement customization to fit your business rules, freeing up your legal team to focus on strategic tasks. Let RazorSign revolutionize your contract game!

Draft contracts with speed and compliance

Quickly draft negotiation-ready contracts with RazorSign's cutting-edge contract creation technology.

Access centralized libraries of pre-approved clauses and templates for efficient document generation.

Automate language inclusion/exclusion based on business rules, allowing legal teams to focus on strategic risk mitigation.

Generate contracts in minutes, edit instantly, and automate data retrieval.

Contract Drafting

Customize templates with ease

Transform your contracts effortlessly by converting your Microsoft Word documents into reusable templates.

Our user-friendly process allows you to design and build templates without any technical expertise.

Simply add and modify variables to convert existing documents into RazorSign templates in minutes.

Seamlessly incorporate complex data and tables, such as salary structures and billing breakdowns, with dynamic tables.

Customize contract templates

Instantly create self-service contracts

With our self-service feature, we configure your templates and clauses for easy authoring.

Simply log in, answer a few questions, and your desired contract is ready in seconds.

Send it to the other party for their acceptance or signatures hassle-free.

Instant contract creation

Create contracts in bulk with a single click

Creating contracts in bulk is a breeze. Simply select the contract type, multiple parties, and choose if you want them to execute the contract as a clickwrap agreement or ask for electronic signatures.

With RazorSign, you can send and execute thousands of contracts in one go.

Create a contract in bulk

Ensure legal compliance with every contract

Our centralized library of pre-approved clauses and templates makes creating negotiation-ready contracts a breeze, pleasing your Legal team every time.

No more tedious cutting and pasting from other documents – always use the latest approved language and formats. Experience streamlined contract creation with us.

Ensure Contract Compliance

Safeguard your contracts with advanced controls

We offers granular safeguards and controls, reducing the need for exhaustive reviews. Ensure your team always uses the latest templates, eliminating concerns about outdated versions or incorrect clauses.

Scale your contracting processes with automated approval routing, guaranteeing every contract receives necessary approvals before being sent out or signed.

Incorporate conditional clause logic for tailored protection in every situation.

Protect your contract

Unmatched flexibility and control

We provides unmatched configurability, offering custom templates, third-party integrations, and numerous other functionalities.

Configure different workflows, assignment rules, and approval levels for each contract type.

Additionally, integrate RazorSign with a variety of third-party applications to link contract creation with your core business systems like CRM and ERP.

Contract Integration
Contract Management Functions FAQ


Contract creation involves the development of a legally binding agreement that is signed by the relevant parties. This process commences with a contract request, progresses through creation, contract negotiations, approvals, and ultimately, contract signing. During contract creation, one includes all necessary terms, clauses, details about the parties, dates, critical milestones, etc. The accuracy of the data contained in the contract is paramount.

Contract creation features can include a Template Library, providing a repository of pre-designed contract templates for quick creation; Customizable Templates, enabling modifications to existing templates or the creation of new ones tailored to specific business needs; a Clause Library, offering a database of standard clauses for consistent and compliant contract language; a Drag-and-Drop Interface for intuitive contract assembly; Version Control to manage and track contract changes; Collaboration Tools for real-time multi-user collaboration; Electronic Signatures integrated for digital contract execution; Workflow Automation for streamlined approval processes; and Audit Trails that log detailed contract modifications to ensure compliance.

When creating centralized contracts, it is important to follow specific practices, including clearly defining the parties involved and their roles, outlining the scope and purpose of the agreement to avoid misunderstandings, using precise language for essential terms like obligations and payment timelines, addressing risks and disputes through mitigation and resolution provisions, adding termination clauses, ensuring confidentiality with non-disclosure clauses, complying with legal requirements, tracking contract status, managing risks, conducting compliance reviews throughout the contract lifecycle, and adapting agreements to changing circumstances. A transparent and secure RazorSign Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) platform is vital for data security and a seamless experience, integrating APIs for mobile-friendly access, real-time collaboration, streamlined workflows, and system integration.

A True CLM Solution For

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CLM Solution