Speed Up your Business with Secure eSignatures

Experience the future of document execution with our advanced, legally compliant e-signature solution. Streamline your business processes, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency with fast, secure electronic agreements. Sign with confidence on any device, anywhere, anytime.

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Streamlined business operations with secure e-signatures
Sustainable Fashion Industry Epic Banking Industry KRISTAL Group Telecommunications industry Emtel Food and beverages Industry PEPSICO retailing, manufacturing, logistics GMG Group Construction Industry Larsen & Toubro Retail Industry Decathlon Automotive Industry Mahindra Group Business Software Industry QBS Software Banking Industry ICICI Bank Sustainable Fashion Industry Epic Banking Industry KRISTAL Group Business Software Industry QBS Software Retail Industry Decathlon International Trade and Development Industry Mitsui Group Telecommunications industry Emtel Food and beverages Industry PEPSICO retailing, manufacturing, logistics GMG Group Construction Industry Larsen & Toubro International Trade and Development Industry Mitsui Group Automotive Industry Mahindra Group

Experience how simple managing your eSign can be

Effortlessly sign, accept, and manage your digital contracts with our advanced e-signature platform. Automate document execution securely, reduce costs, and boost business efficiency with a legally compliant solution designed for today's fast-paced business environment.

best document management solution with e-Signing

Boost business efficiency

Quickly prepare, route, and approve agreements, allowing your teams to focus on strategic tasks. Leverage shared templates, collaborative commenting, and configurable workflows for seamless document handling.

Enhance customer experience

Provide fast, convenient signing experiences on almost any device. Offer intuitive, branded, and responsive signing processes for consumers, partners, employees, and vendors.

Increase security and ensure compliance

Safeguard your agreements with enterprise-grade security and compliance controls. Benefit from enhanced signer identification and robust threat detection capabilities to maintain trust and security.

Beyond the basics

Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your legal operations.

Features to Enhance Legal Operations

Securely sign documents online with virtual and digital e-signatures. This feature allows you to authenticate and validate documents digitally, providing a convenient and legally binding way to execute agreements without the need for physical signatures.

Enhance the security of your digital transactions with UIN-based e-signatures. Each e-signature is linked to a Unique Identification Number, ensuring authenticity and traceability, which is particularly useful for sensitive or high-value documents.

Streamline your document workflow with our bulk sign facility. This feature allows you to sign multiple documents simultaneously, saving time and increasing efficiency, especially useful for high-volume document processing.

Simplify the acceptance process for online agreements with clickwrap functionality. Users can easily agree to terms and conditions by clicking a button, making it ideal for online services, software licenses, and other digital agreements.

Leverage the security of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) with support for DSCII and DSCIII standards. These certificates provide an additional layer of security by ensuring that the signer’s identity is verified and the integrity of the signed document is maintained.

Track the location where a document was signed with geolocation tagging. This feature adds a layer of authenticity and verification by recording the geographical coordinates at the time of signing, enhancing the trustworthiness of the signed document.

Increase the robustness of your e-signing process with image capture. This feature allows for capturing an image of the signer during the signing process, providing visual verification and adding another layer of security to your e-signature transactions.

Protect your documents with public key encryption. This feature ensures that all signed documents are encrypted, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring that only authorized parties can access the content, thereby maintaining confidentiality and data integrity.

The advantage of a modern approach

Experience the advantage of a modern approach to document management with our eSigning solution. Don't let signing delays slow you down-sign faster with multiple flexible options and reduce follow-up time. Seamlessly collaborate using eSignatures integrated with workflows in a no-code, easy-to-use setup. Our solution ensures compliance, providing legally valid signatures with end-to-end encryption at every step.

Advantages of e-Signature

Trusted by thousands of users who choose simplicity over complexity

CLM Client Feedback
  • “We are using RazorSign Contract Management Solution and we are quite impressed with its utility and performance. This is really simple to implement and operate as well. It has made our contract management process really simple with many additional utilities like reminders for renewals, escalation, expiry alerts, etc.”

    Mr. Taher Ali,
    Epic’s Group Head (Legal and Secretarial)
  • “We are very pleased with RazorSign for helping us with our contract management needs. Its simple UI, unique features, and regular enhancements have positively impacted our output manifolds. We can easily manage our contracts and quickly access our contracts and their critical tasks and deadlines. We have been using RazorSign for many years and it has helped us save a tremendous amount of time and effort.”

    Vaishali Lotlikar,
    Vice President Legal, Wanbury
  • “We’ve been using RazorSign (aka PracticeLeague) platform for over 4 years to track, manage and automate our internal and regulatory Compliances, all Contracts, and Intellectual Properties across 25+ countries. The platform has helped us significantly, especially in centralizing and automating our legal and compliance portfolio in its entirety along with critical dashboards and reports.”

    Shweta Gujar Mane,
    Manager- Legal, Mega Lifesciences
  • “RazorSign has helped us automate the way we manage our contracts and has increased our output by reducing manual efforts and errors. We have been able to implement and benefit from the best practices shared by the team. The team has helped us through these times by providing an excellent platform with good service.”

    Hena Datta,
    Legal Head, MediBuddy
  • “At PepsiCo India, dozens of plant accountants and their coordinators receive letters from various authorities. With RazorSign, these documents are uploaded immediately upon receipt, enhancing near real-time visibility and tracking of statutory communications. This enables our corporate teams to efficiently address issues.”

    Payal Khanna,
    Former Associate Director, PepsiCo India Legal
Contract Management Functions FAQ


Documents that can be signed electronically cover a wide range, including those related to compliance management. Digital signatures can be used to sign various contracts and agreements, such as employment contracts, sale agreements, lease agreements, NDAs, MOUs, real estate documents, and more. This ensures that compliance management is maintained across all document types, providing a secure and efficient way to handle legally binding agreements.

Section 15 of the IT Act, 2020 categorically stipulates that an electronic signature shall be deemed to be secure wherein if,
(i) the signature creation data, at the time of affixing signature, was under the exclusive control of signatory and no other person; and
(ii) the signature creation data was stored and affixed in such exclusive manner as may be prescribed. Furthermore, 66C of the Act also renders punishment and penalty for identity theft, which includes electronic signatures.
As the stewards of data, RazorSign ensures to handle personal data of voluntarily disclosed by the users of our e-Signature platform with utmost care and diligence and well in line with the international standards of data collection, and data retention policies. We also maintain an Audit Trail for the processing of personal data that is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

RazorSign handles personal data, voluntarily disclosed by clients. The data retention policy for the company is to store information for no longer than necessary and for the lawful purpose as detailed under our Privacy Policy and general terms and conditions.

An Audit trail is electronic document containing the logs of all the activities that take place during the signing activity in a transaction on the document. Details in an audit trail include the details of the public IP of the users of the e-Signature platform, location, and the timestamp of the overall transaction. We continually improve our audit trails and use best industry practices to improve overall visibility and maintain the trust of our clients.

All information pertaining to existing and potential clients are collected and stored following practices such as instance isolation, symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques, one-way hashing algorithms. Data is also saved on FIPS-140-2 Level 2 compliant hardware security modules, where different security and protection methods are adopted to store information with disk-to-disk-to-tape, method.

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